Raf Suchodolski

About Me

Web development passionate with an unusual love for soft skills. When working, I always thrive to create the best possible product as well as help my team members grow as much as possible.

Besides that, I love learning and experiencing new things. I'm a lifelong Arsenal supporter but this is one of a very few things that don't change about me. We can talk about pretty much anything. History, philosophy, psychology, politics, sports and finally Italian food.

What I Do

Front-End Development

E-commerce Development

Team Leadership

Mentoring & Consulting

Project Management




February 2021 - Current

Engineering Manager & Lead Developer

I am leading PANGAIA's transition from using two external development agencies to its own dev-team and rebuilding the 4 years old Shopify store to a brand new one, using the Shopify Storefront 2.0.

2017 - Current

Project Manager & Lead Front-End Developer

I lead a team of designers, front-end and back-end developers on a mission to help sustainable businesses grow on Shopify.

April 2016 - April 2020
Paladin Software & Measure.Studio

Front-End Leader

I was responsible for all things front-end within the company. I had led the team to redesign all of Paladin's web apps to match the most modern solutions using VueJS and Ruby on Rails. I had also managed projects for creating two new apps. Both had incredibly good reviews on launch. I have also helped the company with hiring engineers, both front-end and back-end.

October 2015 - April 2016
Bent Pixels

Front-End Developer

I was working on two main Bent Pixels apps, redesigning the biggest one in the suite using AngularJS, SCSS, Ruby-on-Rails & HAML. Bent Pixels then turned into Paladin Software.

February 2014 - October 2015

Web Developer

After joining iwebsitez in Feb 2014, I quickly became the main web development guy. I have lead small teams (2-3 people) in creating dozens of websites. This includes custom web applications as well as WordPress sites and e-commerce stores.

2013 - 2014
Multiple Companies

Sales Representative

Prior to my programming career, I was working as a sales representative in two estate-related companies. Even though this may seem not relevant, I think this was the moment when I fell in love with communication, soft skills & working with people.

Volunteer Experience


Hiring & Management Mentor

I have been asked by one of Polish biggest educational companies to help them raise the next generation of Polish entrepreneurs by teaching them how to hire and manage A-players.

Multiple organisations

Web & Front-End Development Mentor

I have been helping multiple non-profit organisations with teaching teenagers web & front-end development. Mostly helping less fortunate, younger people from orphanages or poor families.


Cracow University of Technology

Computer Science

I have started my Bachelor of Science studies but after the first year I decided, it would be better for me to get a hands-on experience (I was already working full-time), learn by doing & use online resources for education.

Coding Skills

- Shopify

- Shopify StoreFront 2.0 & Dawn theme

- JavaScript

- Vue.js

- Sass / SCSS / CSS


- Bootstrap

- jQuery

- HTML5 / HAML / Pug / Jade

- WordPress/ WooCommerce

- Foundations of: NodeJS, Ruby (& Ruby-on-Rails), PHP, MySQL, PostgresSQL

Design Skills & Tools

- UX/UI Principles

- Figma

- Zeplin

- Sketch

- Photoshop

Other Skills & Tools

- Team Leadership

- Project Management (Kanban / Agile)

- Hiring & Team Management

- Git (+ GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)

- cPanel, Heroku, AWS

- Marketing & Sales

- Copywriting

- Communication



Warsaw, Poland / London, United Kingdom

+48 570 587 417

Available For Work